Honey as the most important product derived learn more about its regulation.

Honey as the most important product derived learn more about its regulation.
Explore the EU Honey Regulation with this quiz !
Pollination contracts can transform agricultural practices and contribute to a healthier environment.
Listen this podcast to learn about the complex world of honey production.
The CHC is a Canadian not for profit organization of beekeeping industry.
COLOSS association, coordinates to combat causes of honey bee colony losses worldwide.
Explore women’s empowerment in commercial beekeeping, reshaping the industry through entrepreneurship
CAPA: Study, educate, administer apiculture and pollination in Canada.
Apimondia or International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations promotes scientific, ecological, social and economic apicultural development in all countries and the cooperation of beekeepers` associations, scientific bodies and of individuals involved in apiculture worldwide.
Since 1897, every other year Apimondia organizes beekeepers’ congresses, hosted by different countries.
Apimondia maintains seven scientific commissions and five regional commissions for the purposes of furthering scientific understanding of apiculture and to facilitate exchange of information.